We help folks build or repair their credit.


Most Americans have a blemish or two in their financial history. They don’t have 800+ credit scores. They don’t have a credit limit large enough to buy a house. And, they are subjected to opaque products from the world’s largest and most sophisticated lenders.

Legit Lender helps people with average credit save money by providing free information, tools and resources.

We Find Great Products — The unfortunate truth is that it’s expensive to have average credit. We seek products that are a good value — in many cases, how much ‘value’ you get from lenders depends on where your credit profile stands to begin with.

We focus on Main Street — Outside certain zip codes, it’s a struggle out there. Journalists and bloggers may mention the latest perks and features for that rewards card with a $400 annual fee, but it’s not relevant to folks with a blemish or two in their financial history. Legit Lender’s articles, advice and tools are completely focused on consumers with fair credit.

Telling the Truth — We serve our members. We don’t advertise or sponsor content. Some companies pay us when readers click to buy their product from our site. But that’s completely disconnected from decisions about what and how we review something.


Our Writers


We’ve assembled a set of folks who care deeply about helping folks get a better grasp of their finances — and we’re always on the prowl for other contributors. Drop us a line if you’d like to write for us!

Nirav Bhagat 

Austin, TX

Cheri Read

Plainview, TX

Daniel Palmer

Somewhere in Iowa!

Terri Williams

Birmingham, AL

Missy Nolan
