Missy Nolan
Missy Nolan is a single mom who started writing back in 2002 as a pregnant teen. She won the "What Matters" essay contest hosted by Teen Ink and never looked back. Initially, she used her freelance writing to supplement her wages as a chiropractic assistant, but it quickly took over as her primary source of income. With her three kids, writing gives her the flexibility she needs to maintain some balance in her life.   Missy started financial writing years ago when she did some ghostwriting for an angel investor. It was in this role that she started to learn about the world of money and ventured out to write for Mint.com along with some other financial websites.  But her life took an unexpected turn when she found herself filing for pro se bankruptcy. Bouncing back from that experience has given her a passion for giving people the tools they need in order to achieve financial stability. She knows that a low credit score can keep you from owning a home, a vehicle, and other life necessities, including many jobs.

Posts by Missy Nolan:

Credit Card Debt Consolidation: 4 Nonprofits You Can Trust

Ever stay up late watching made-for-TV movies and reruns of sitcoms? If so, you’ve probably seen some of the debt consolidation commercials that promise financial freedom in exchange for an “affordable” price. Spoiler alert: That price is usually affordable for the debt consolidation company, not you. You’ll shell out hundreds – possibly even thousands – […]

5 Tips to Free Yourself From Debt in 2018

Planning to improve your money-management methods in 2018? More than 42% of New Year’s resolutions involve money-related matters, and 8.5% of Americans say they’re going to make better financial decisions in the coming year. We’ve got some bad news, though. Approximately 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by February, and goals from hopeful resolutionists continue […]

On a Budget? 5 Ways to Feed Your Family Healthy Meals

Many people mistakenly assume that a budget-friendly shopping list contains nothing but ramen noodles, sugary cereal, and other processed foods. It’s true that these items are affordable, but you can also score healthy food for reasonable prices. Try the suggestions below next time you shop for groceries, whether you’re seeking cheap gluten-free meals for a […]